Aug 072013
the golden light of August
The light at the end of the day is my favorite. That golden, angled warmth illuminates the very air you’re in, and filters everything you see with romance and nostalgia.
It takes me back to the August end-of-day, end-of-summer light from the summers of our youth. Long, hazy, sunny days, leaving you feeling full. Tanned skin and undone hair.
My hope is that the golden years of our lives will feel as warm and lovely: looking back at the time, feeling blissful and satisfied, languidly enjoying endings as much as we do beginnings.
photo credits: 1. The Bone Horse Instagram: @thebonehorse 2. Dust Devil 3. Lips of Your Kisses 4. Oracle Fox 5. Michael Schmidt photography 6. Lux Nova – Flickr. via Finn of Fortuna 4. Vogue Netherlands via Fashion Gone Rogue
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