Mar 212015
old minds, new tricks
In the way that we look at our medical technology now, and think “…man, we’re really at the forefront, we have a pretty good understanding and we have good technology.” (Well, but, we do. Right?) I think of how we used to use leeches, amputations, electroshock therapy, etc. And how at the time, they must’ve been like “…man, we’re really at the forefront, we have a pretty good understanding and we have good technology.” Yup.
This is the way I imagine we are in relation to the full understanding of the use of our brains and how it relates to our potential and, ultimately, happiness. We’ve got too much thinking getting in the way of our brains. But, we think we’re doing pretty well, generally. Not ideal, but pretty darn well. …as a species. We’re testing, MRIing, operating, monitoring, brain scanning. We think we’re at the furthermost point of it, because we are. We always are.
But there’s so much we don’t understand about our brains. Our brains and our minds. We have people studying both. And I think they know the potential, or can imagine it, like possible science fiction plot lines we can’t buy into in good conscience. But it’s an interesting idea to consider them seeing the critical nature of this research and trying to quantify the value for the suits. What’s the ROI on cracking vibrational alignment with the Universe eh? Likely a venture not backed by pharmaceutical companies. Boner pills have a higher profit margin than sending people home with inner peace.
I love to think of all our forms of exploring and understanding this mystery element of life as pioneering attempts at any human problem solving. Maybe right now, we understand how to access the potential of the human mind about as efficiently as a Commodore 64 could navigate the current internet. Like taking Arsenic to maintain a pale complexion because we didn’t yet have a good, non-greasy sunscreen. We’re trying to open canned goods with primitive hand tools. We’re starving for the delicacies within, we just haven’t invented the can opener yet. Gallagher’s stool and sledge hammer come to mind when picturing our sometimes heavy-handedness with the precious content we don’t know how to access or handle.
It makes you wonder if one day, people will look back at us and think “oh gawwwwd, HOW did they EVER get by before telepathy?!” In the tone of now us talking about our smartphones, like it was a given we’d evolve, and that was just the dark ages. Maybe we’re in the dark ages of mind power right now. I picture us someday healing the majority of our own budding illnesses with meditation, laughter, exercise, massage, correct nutritional intake, and puppy rolling. (Puppy rolling will be the medical practice of rolling around in a grassy field with a minimum of 10 puppies rolling about, on top of, and around you.) (Don’t pee on my dreams, okay? Just let me have this.)
Listen, this is a meandering series of copy blocks. I have no enlightening breakthoughs, life-altering tips, or staggering prediction. That’s what we have scholarly journals for. I went to school for paint squiggles, dude. I certainly hope you’re not expecting a well-researched conclusion. I’m just saying, wouldn’t it be cool? But in the act of entertaining the thought “wouldn’t it be cool” we are pioneers. The minute you crack that door open, a sliver of light now exists that you’re aware of. And that first time you believe there could be more, you’ve participated and contibuted mental energy toward wanting more than small-minded existence. You’ve played your share of Oregon Trail games in the story of video game development.
So maybe in our lifetime we won’t have vibrational euphoria, or the ability to transport our bodies with our minds. But we can most certainly take the first steps in a mass shift of conciousness. We can all agree it’s possible we can shape reality with our thoughts, and we want to know more, and we want to cohabitate better, we want to be better. We can make attempts to realize what our minds are up to most of the time, and begin to steer our own boats instead of letting Captain Ego madly chug us out into killer squid waters, hell-bent on winning the day and avenging his missing eyeball and leg.
Let’s take lessons from old cultures who had an ancient handle on this knowledge. Let’s keep pushing forward with our new science. Let’s play with it. Let’s do all the exploring. We should enjoy working on the puzzle and sharing breakthroughs. Because it’s fun. It’s exciting. It’s joyful. And I’m pretty sure if we cracked it, we’d realize that’s the whole point of being alive and conscious anyway.
That and rolling around in piles of puppies.
I’m just looking for what everybody’s looking for: Enlightenment and a lap full of puppies.
(excited gasp) …maybe enlightenment IS a lap full of puppies.
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