Aug 042013
American Gold
A rolling stone gathers lots of Spanish Moss, if she’s lucky. I’m tellin you.
One of the excitementary awakenings I had upon relocating to California, was that many of the bands, brands, people and things I was in love with, were now smack dot boom in my backyard. Exhibit A: Spanish Moss.
Spanish Moss is the excellently curated and crafted fashion child of Suzanne Ford Carafano and her husband, Vincent. They inhabit their brand’s style entirely. I recently got to swing by their warehouse sale and chat a little with both of them. It was so satisfying to pick up some of this brand in person, and even more rewarding to know they’re genuinely nice, friendly, stylish people well deserving of all the praise awarded to them.
(The Heart of Gold top is still available online, go, buy it.)
This is the greatest thing a girl can see. That bag in the passenger seat, cheering her on, telling her she just swooped up some clothes that she will look amazing in. And thanks to Spanish Moss, that bag ain’t lying.
Go and shop Spanish Moss!!!
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